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13 Tishrei 5785
Caveat on reading
Kaplan Quote of the Week

Weekly Quote from Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, z"l (1881-1983)
Last Sabbath a week ago (March 18) I inaugurated the ceremony of the Bat Mitzvah at the S.A.J. Meeting House (41 West 86 St.) about which more details later [Ed. note: Kaplan, in fact, provided no further details in his diary]. My daughter Judith was the first one to have her Bat Mitzvah celebrated there.

From Communings of the Spirit, Vol. I, page 159, Tuesday, March 28, 1922; used with permission.

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Keddem Congregation is a community-led, Jewish Reconstructionist congregation, passionately committed to infusing tradition with new meaning. Keddem is based in Palo Alto, California, on the San Francisco Peninsula.

Worship, study, community and governance at Keddem are based on the following values: Keddem Congregation is inclusive, egalitarian, participatory, inquiring, innovative, and compassionate.

Response to COVID-19

Keddem has been holding a few activities outdoors and is streaming most of our activities online. See the calendar for dates, times, and contact information.

Donate to Keddem

Keddem welcomes donations to support the cost of our High Holy Day services, which are open to the community without charge. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

And, thank you!

Second Harvest Food Bank

Keddem encourages contributions to Second Harvest Food Bank, which provides nutritious food to anyone in need throughout Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.

Keddem's Email Lists

Keddem maintains four email lists for announcements and discussion: The Members List, the Interest List, the NewsWire List, and the Discussion List.

For a description of each list and information on how to join a list, update your email address, remove yourself from a list, or post to a list, click here. (As mentioned there, archives are available for all of these lists.)

Reconstructionist Movement Logo We are one of over 100 congregations and havurot affiliated with the Jewish Reconstructionist Communities. Liberal in outlook, yet respecting tradition, Reconstructing Judaism is the newest of the four movements of organized American Judaism. To learn more, click here.  

  Phone: (650) 494-6400

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 50758
Palo Alto, California 94303
  Keddem is located in Palo Alto, California, the heart of Silicon Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area. We're but 30 miles from San Francisco and 17 miles from San José, in the "mid-peninsula" or "south peninsula" area.

If you're looking for Kedem Congregation in Melbourne, Australia, you'll find them here!

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This page last updated Sunday, October 13, 2024 1:22 PM CDT.